480 Degrees Across UAS Campuses
17 Outstanding Grads
2 Honorees
2021 Outstanding Graduates
B.A. Special Education

B.A. Elementary Education
B.A. Social Science

B.A. English

B.S. Mathematics
B.B.A. Management Information Systems

M.P.A., Ernest Gruening Award for Outstanding Graduate in Public Administration

B.B.A. Management, Bob Ellis Award for Outstanding Graduate in Management
B.B.A. Accounting

A.A.S. Business Administration

M.A.T. Secondary Education
M.A.T. Elementary Education
M. Ed. Educational Leadership
B.S. Environmental Science

B.A. Geography, Environmental, and Outdoor Studies

B.L.A. Interdisciplinary Studies

B.B.A. Human Resource Management
Special Honors

Honorary Doctorate of Education Recipient: Pauline Kookesh Duncan
A greatly respected teacher and culture bearer, she created an invaluable legacy of teaching materials that that merge Tlingit culture and language with Alaska educational standards. Ms. Duncan’s achievements reflect her dedication to the exchange of cultural knowledge and her considerable talent and expertise in the field of elementary education.

Meritorious Service Award: Gordon Jackson
Gordon Jackson will be receiving a 2021 Meritorious Service Award for his contributions to rural education, health services, and economic development for Alaska Natives, particularly in his home region of Southeast Alaska.
Juneau Commencement Speakers

UA President Pat Pitney
Pat Pitney currently serves as the state's Director of the Division of Legislative Finance. She was the former Vice Chancellor of Administration at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and served at UA Statewide for 17 years. In all, Pitney spent 23 years with the University of Alaska before leaving to serve as the State Budget Director in the administration of former Governor Bill Walker.

Chancellor Karen Carey
As chancellor, Dr. Karen Carey provides strategic leadership in fulfilling UAS’ mission, including budget development, academic planning and program assessments, student and enrollment services, administrative services, and community relations.

Pauline Kookesh Duncan
Pauline Duncan is greatly respected as a teacher and culture bearer. She created an invaluable legacy of teaching materials that merge Tlingit culture and language with Alaska educational standards. Ms. Duncan’s achievements reflect her dedication to the exchange of cultural knowledge and her considerable talent and expertise in the field of elementary education. An accomplished classroom teacher, her experience spans over 30 years at all levels from pre-kindergarten to high school. She retired from the Sitka School District in 2005.

Student Speaker: Anastasia Erickson
Anastasia Erickson graduates this year with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Ana has served as a leader in many capacities during her time at UAS, including as a housing resident advisor and as an intern for the annual literary and arts journal Tidal Echoes.