News and Press Releases 2008
November 17, 2008
Ohler Wins WOW Award for Educational Technology
The Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (WCET) Outstanding Work (WOW) Award recognizes the innovative uses of educational technologies in higher education.November 17, 2008
Nov 21 Evening at Egan Lecture will be "A Liberal Arts Approach to Outdoor Studies"
with Forest Wagner, Program Director, UAS Outdoor Studies and Dr. Kevin Krein, Associate Professor of PhilosophyNovember 10, 2008
Nov 14 Egan Lecture features ""An Energy Plan for Alaska without Oil: The Technology. The Possibilities. The Plan." with Greg Brown
Brown’s ten year plan could lead to a reduction in emissions, reduce taxpayer costs, and cut the trade deficit by $700 billion.October 31, 2008
Nov 8 Evening at Egan Lecture: 20/20 Vision Ceramic Exhibition: Visiting Artist Lecture Series
The ceramics event brings together 10 Alaska artists and10 ceramicists from the Lower 48 for workshops, lectures and shows.
October 20, 2008
Oct 24 Evening at Egan Lecture to feature the Dr. David Noon talk "Wild About Harry: The Myth of Truman in the Age of Bush"
This talk examines the evolution of Harry Truman's historical reputation and the strange role that Harry Truman has played in the presidency of George W. Bush.October 13, 2008
Oct 17 Egan Lecture features Marquam George on "Constructing, Maintaining, or Renovating in a Miserable Climate: Energy Efficiency Revisited"
This lecture explores successful strategies for changing building practices and systems to make your home more affordable and energy efficient.October 6, 2008
Oct 10 Evening at Egan to feature Marine Ecologist Michelle Ridgway
Ridgeway will share her experience with an international team as they completed the first ever in-water exploration of seafloor and water column creatures in Zhemchug and neighboring Pribilof Canyons.September 29, 2008
Oct 3 Egan Lecture to feature Dr. Alex Simon on "European Anthropocentrism vs. American Ecocentrism: Clashing Values Regarding Wolves"
The talk will explore how the Palin Administration utilizes both historic and contemporary justifications for its predator control programsSeptember 22, 2008
Sept 26 Evening at Egan to feature Dr. Nina Chordas lecture on “Renaissance Utopian Thinking and Genocide: Why is it still Relevant?”
Dr. Nina Chordas earned her Ph.D. in English with a specialty in Renaissance Literature from the University of Oregon. Her book, Forms in Early Modern Utopia: The Ethnography of Perfection is forthcoming from Ashgate Press.September 15, 2008
Turning the Tides to present at UAS Sept 22
During Dr. Eriksen’s visit to Juneau in 2007 he supervised the construction of Turning the Tides’ plastic-bottle boat, Plastic Poison, and testified before the legislature on Senator Kim Elton's bill to assess a fee to plastic grocery bags.September 15, 2008
Sept 19 Egan Lecture features Mark Riley with "Detecting Mountain Goats in Their Southeast Alaska Habitat"
Riley will share results of a joint study with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game on locating mountain goats with infrared and digital aerial imagerySeptember 8, 2008
Sept 12 Evening at Egan Lecture: "In the Company of Ravens" with Corvid Scholar John Marzluff
The 7 pm lecture follows 5 pm dedication of the new Raven sculpture in the UAS Mourant Courtyard
September 1, 2008
UAS Evening at Egan Kicks off with "Coming to Terms with Northern Foods, Northern Futures" featuring Dr. Craig Gerlach
This talk will look at climate and socioeconomic impacts on the future of northern food systems.August 25, 2008
UAS Students Named EPSCoR Fellows
Two UAS undergraduates and one graduate student have been awarded sought after federal grants to research the effect of climate change on the survival of plants and animals and the sustainability of subsistence resources.July 9, 2008
“Firecracker Boys” Author to Give Egan Lecture
With accompanying slides, author of The Firecracker Boys, Dan O’Neill, will tell the story of Project Chariot—how a small Eskimo village, along with a handful of Alaska scientists and conservationists, thwarted Teller’s scheme and sparked a new era of environmental awareness.
June 4, 2008
Governor Palin Signs Marine Parks Bill at UAS
“Alaska’s 32 marine parks are unique in that they specifically prohibit the Department of Natural Resources from limiting hunting, fishing & trapping. The land was selected by the state with the intent for recreational use, which this bill will ensure,” said Palin.
June 2, 2008
Robotic Mini-Snowmobiles set for Icefield Test
Hosted by UAS Environmental Science professor Matt Heavner, the Juneau visit marks the first time the robot will be put to the test in Alaska. Creator Ayanna Howard envisions SnoMotes roving Antarctica collecting important data. Simulations so far have proved effective.May 20, 2008
Community Day on Campus at UAS, May 24
UAS and Juneau Jazz and Classics partner for the annual eventMay 15, 2008
UAS Automotive Tech Program Recertified by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation and The National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence
The UAS Automotive Technology program works closely with local industry in Juneau to train students to enter the local work force and to assist those already employed with furthering their technical skills.May 8, 2008
May 15 lecture: Climate Change in Antarctica: How Life Survives at the Edge
Dr. Diane McKnight will show images from Antarctica, including Cape Royds and the Dry Valleys which were explored by Scott and Shackleton, and discuss her research on ecosystem responses to the interacting effects of the ozone hole and climate change.May 5, 2008
UAS Reaches Record for Number of Graduates
“This is the largest and most diverse class in UAS history in terms of ethnicity and types of degrees being awarded,” said Chancellor John Pugh.April 21, 2008
Board Approves Four New UAS Degrees, Certificates
At its meeting in Ketchikan, the University of Alaska Board of Regents approved four new degree and certificate programs for the University of Alaska Southeast, including Masters degrees in Math Education and Educational Leadership, an Associate of Business degree and a certificate in Pre-Engineering.April 15, 2008
UAS Hosting Nuclear Awareness Conference
Hiroshima and Marshall Islands bombing and nuclear testing survivors to speak at the University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau.April 4, 2008
"Proof" Play to Be Performed at UAS Campus
The David Auburn play will be directed by Flordelino Lagundino of Perseverance TheatreMarch 31, 2008
New Arts Endowment Established at UAS in honor of Connie Boochever
The fund provides financial support to UAS Arts and Theater programs, to include special program support and equipment grants, student scholarships, performance underwriting and the sponsoring of guest performances and cultural arts events on campus.March 28, 2008
UAS Spring Forum: Sustainability and Juneau Energy
The workshop will involve several presentations, demonstrations, and roundtable discussions that explore this challenge, positing technological and social solutions to the problem of achieving energy sustainability.February 28, 2008
UAS to Offer Lifelong Learning Series "Air, Land, and Sea in Southeast Alaska," March 2008
The lecture series will feature lecturers Doug Wahto, Jim Geraghty, and Annette Smith.February 25, 2008
UAS and UA Geography program present: Author-Diplomat Rory Stewart
Stewart will discuss his latest book, The Prince of Marshes about his year negotiating hostage releases as the appointed deputy governor of two provinces in southern Iraq.
January 31, 2008
UAS Partners with Juneau School District to Pilot Nationally Recognized Program to Boost Math Skills
Project SEED (Special Elementary Education for the Disadvantaged) uses the Socratic method of instruction to teacher higher level mathematics to low achieving students.January 28, 2008
Earn Your Master's Degree in Just One Year
UAS is the only Alaska institution in which students can earn a master’s degree and certification in just 12 months.January 14, 2008
UAS Establishes Emma Marks Memorial Award Fund
The purpose of the fund is to support the growing Alaska Native Language program, with emphasis on emergency needs. High on the list is support for students close to graduation.