UAS Advancement
The University of Alaska Southeast Advancement Office focuses on increasing private support for UAS student scholarships, teaching, research, and programs.
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UA Giving Day 2024
"Thank you to everyone for your generosity and care in supporting UAS. Your contributions mean a lot to us, especially to our students. You are making dreams come true!"
Dr. Aparna Dileep-Nageswaran PalmerChancellor, University of Alaska Southeast
Because of YOU, the University of Alaska Southeast raised $36,524 from UAS alumni, friends, and community members to support students, programs, and scholarships in Juneau, Sitka, and Ketchikan!
This collaborative effort was massive, but you made it look easy. We are so grateful to have such a supportive community that recognizes the University of Alaska Southeast.
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise a remarkable $36,524 from 158 donors, contributing to the statewide total of $1,348,417 raised by over 2,000 donors. Your dedication to our cause is inspiring and demonstrates your commitment to make a difference.
The excitement didn't stop there! While our Mascot Dance Off Challenge video may not have received the most likes, your spirit and enthusiasm were evident. Spike finished in second place, just 50 Likes behind UAF's Nook! Your participation added a special spark to our efforts, for which we are extremely grateful. (Especially Spike!)
Together, we continue to create waves of change and a better future for our university and its students!
Gunalchéesh - Háw'aa - Nt’oyaxsn!
Gunalchéesh to our generous donors for participating in past Giving Days:
We Change Lives. You make it happen. Giving to UAS | Office of Development & Alumni Relations
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- The University of Alaska is important to Alaska’s future economic development. Through partnerships with business and industry, UAS is able to focus its highest priority initiatives in response to Southeast Alaska’s employment and job training needs.
- Statistics show that the more education an individual receives, the less money the government will spend on welfare, unemployment, child support enforcement, incarceration, health care and other social services. Furthermore, the more likely that person is to vote, be active in their community, and contribute to charities.
- A strong university brings more to our community than opportunities for higher education and professional advancement. Nationwide, our country’s colleges and universities are centers for the arts and scientific research. These programs enrich our lives and strengthen our community, while attracting new businesses to invest in our local economy.
For More Information About Giving Visit Our Donate Now Page
Annual Giving
At UAS alumni, friends, employees and community members can give meaningful gifts on an annual basis to the Chancellor's unrestricted fund. These funds are used for many purposes: to supplement existing named funds, or start new endowed funds as well as general scholarships, depending on the needs determined by the current Chancellor. Gifts to existing funds
Contributions can be made to existing endowed or restricted funds at any time.
Establishing a New Fund
There are two types of funds here at UAS: endowed and restricted.
- Endowed
A minimum of $25,000 is required to create an endowed named fund. Endowed gifts are invested. This is the most long-term, monumental form of support. For more in-depth information about this process, please see the UA Foundation, which provides administrative overview of all UAS funds
- Restricted
A minimum of $5,000 is required to create a restricted named fund. Restricted funds smaller and not invested, but donated directly into the fund and used for the purposes defined in a gift agreement between the donor and the University. If the funds are not replenished by additional gifts, they will be closed.
We’d love to talk with you about your ideas for creating a new memorial fund or contributing to an existing fund.
Contact Us
Please feel free to email us at or contact us at the phone number below.We can provide the wording typically used in obituaries to specify contributions in honor of a loved one, if you need that immediately. Please note the additional steps in order to create a memorial fund.
For more information, contact:
UAS Office of Advancement
11066 Auke Lake Way
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 796-6320