Hecla Greens Creek Invests $300,000 in UAS Environmental Science Program
"Safeguarding the environment through responsible mining is a fundamental principle of how we [Hecla Greens Creek] operate"
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: February 7, 2022

Hecla Greens Creek Mine has donated $300,000 to create an endowment to provide support for UAS’ Environmental Science program located at the Juneau Campus. The fund will provide monies for faculty and undergraduate research, paid summer internships, field courses and other student experiential learning opportunities.
UAS Chancellor Karen Carey commented on the impact of the gift saying, “This is an unqualified demonstration of Hecla Greens Creek’s commitment to understanding and protecting the environment of Southeast Alaska. UAS’ Environmental Science program provides vital research that helps inform today’s decision making while working to train Alaska’s next generation of scientists, researchers and field technicians.”
Brian Erickson, Hecla Vice President & General Manager of the Greens Creek Mine, added, “Safeguarding the environment through responsible mining is a fundamental principle of how we operate. Hecla Greens Creek is proud to support the University of Alaska Southeast’s Environmental Science program and by creating this fund as an endowment, it means that the support will last in perpetuity – long past the life of the mine. We consider this gift as an investment in Juneau and all of Southeast, Alaska.”
Attached photo: Hecla Greens Creek check presentation to UAS
From left to right:
- Heather Nelson, Community Relations, Greens Creek Mine,
- Sonia Nagorski, Associate Professor of Geology,
- Chancellor Karen Carey,
- Eran Hood, Professor of Environmental Science,
- Heather Nelson, Community Relations, Greens Creek Mine,
- Martin Stearns, Environmental Manager, Greens Creek Mine,
- Jason Amundson, Associate Professor of Geophysics.
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University of Alaska Southeast
(907) 796-6416