2013 Graduates
Amanda Mosher and Eric Keller graduated this Spring. Eric graduated with a double major, Mathematics and Marine Biology, and was also named the Outstanding Mathematics Graduate and the Outstanding Marine Biology Graduate for 2013.
Eric also present a talk at on his capstone project at the 2013 meeting of the Pacific Northwest Section of the Mathematical Association of America in April at Willamette University in Portland, OR. His talk was titled Mathematical Resilience in Biological Systems. Eric was also the first recipient of the Ron Seater Mathematics Award in Fall 2012.
Past Graduates - Updates
As of this posting, news on past graduates is still being collected. Check back for updates.
If you are a UAS mathematics graduate and would like to update us on what you are doing these days, please send Chris an email. Your news will be posted at the end of this section.
Other News and Plans
First REU in Mathematics at UAS
Dr. Andrzej Piotrowski applied for, and was awarded funding to conduct the first National Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in mathematics at UAS. This program, titled Diagonalizable Linear Operators and Polynomial Zeros, runs from May 13 through June 21. The award provides a generous stipend for all student participants, who are Andre Bunton, Niki Jacobs, Samantha Jenkins, Charles McKenry Jr., and Louie Scott.
See the UAS Mathematics REU website for further information, here are some photographs of the participants. Here is the paper they wrote on their findings.
Math Club
Niki Jacobs spearheaded, and submitted the application to install a Pi Mu Epsilon Chapter at UAS. If approved, this will be the first Pi Mu Chapter in Alaska. The application will be reviewed later this summer.
As described on the Pi Mu Epsilon website, this organization is "dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding."
News Flash
The Alaska Alpha Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon has been approved. The installation ceremony will be held in April 2014.