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Hide or Limit Content Availability

  • Blackboard Ultra

Last modified: June 6, 2024

Most components in Blackboard can be hidden from students or limited by conditions. By default, all new content in Ultra course view is hidden from students until you make it visible.

You are viewing instructions for Ultra view in Blackboard (NOT the current UAS default).

If you have not elected to use Ultra, go to Original course view on hiding content and conditional availability instead.

Control Link Visibility on the Course Menu

Each Course item or folder has a drop-down menu under its name. You can hide content, make it visible, or set up release conditions. 

Blackboard item visibility and release conditions menu

If you select the release conditions option, then you can set release conditions to only show content to certain groups of students that you set up in the groups tab, only show content to students who have complete certain tasks, or only show content at a certain date and time.