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Dallas Cosculluela

Dallas Cosculluela (he/him)

Academic Advisor

Arts and Sciences — Academic Advising


B.A English, Boston University (2019), B.A Archaeology, Boston University (2019), M.A Humanities, University of Chicago (2020)


Dallas is originally from Houston, Texas. He studied English and Archaeology (with a focus on Mesomaerican cultures) at Boston University. He has been on archaeological digs in Catalonia, and is also an amateur flintknapper. He received his M.A. from the University of Chicago in 2020, and focused his research on post-WWII science fiction. He also frequently delves into theology and cinema/media studies.

Outside of advising, Dallas is passionate about exploring the anthropological aspects of online culture, as well as the development of social hierarchies in video-game spaces. In his free time, he likes to bake and work on his embroidery.

Dallas Cosculluela

Academic Advisor

Arts and Sciences — Academic Advising

Dallas Cosculluela