Getting Started
Disability Services reviews requests for accommodations for academics, housing, and pregnancy.
Process for Accommodations
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Amendments Act of 2008 require that universities provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities in order to ensure equal access to all academic and co-curricular programs and services.
Disability Services will provide reasonable, appropriate, and effective support services or accommodations that allow the student to have equal access to the academic and on-campus housing environments. To request accommodations, please follow these steps:
- Contact Disability Services as soon as possible to discuss your individual needs. Disability Services will work with you to determine reasonable accommodations for each course you are registered for or housing need.
Accommodations are requested each semester of attendance, are dependent on the functional limitations experienced as a result of the disability, and confirmed through a review official documentation of your disability. Preferences will be discussed and considered in determining appropriate services.
Disability Services does not provide documentation evaluation or assessment of disabilities and does not provide services of a personal nature (e.g., home work support, typing services, tutorial supports, personal care attendants, or individually prescribed devices). We can make referrals for you to local resources.
- Once accommodations are established, a notification letter which outlines the accommodations established for the student will be sent to the student and appropriate contact on campus. Any specifics regarding the documented disability will be kept confidential unless the student requests disability infromation to be provided.
Example Accommodations Available with Supporting Documentation
- Testing adjustments (e.g., extended time, reduced distraction environment, and/or access to adaptive software as needed)
- Note-taking assistance
- Scribe and Reader services
- Alternate Format Materials (e.g., book and other course materials in large print, Braille, audio tape, digital audio, electronic text, etc.)
- Assistive technology (e.g., computer equipment, recordering devices, assistive listening devices, etc.)
- American Sign Language interpreters
- On-campus UAS Housing (e.g., single-room, emotional support animals)
This list is not exhaustive and students interested in receiving accommodations should make an appointment to speak with DS to discuss their individual needs.
General Services Available to all Students who Experience Disabilities
- Faculty notification (only with student’s permission)
- Liaison with other agencies such as the Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and Veteran’s Affairs
- References to reading materials on disabilities
- Academic adjustments