Grounds and Landscape
The crew maintains the grounds at the Auke Lake Campus, the Natural Science Research Lab, the Student Recreation Center, Student Housing complex, the downtown Marine Core site and numerous off campus housing units.
Spring and summer is spent maintaining the landscaped areas of campus as well as special projects that can only be done during those months. Fall is time to prepare the grounds for the arrival of winter, plant spring bulbs and start preparations for snow removal.
Snow removal is top priority for the grounds and operations staff during the winter months. The UAS buildings are located from downtown Juneau to Auke Bay which makes for a challenging pace to clear before the start of the day. The crew then keeps the roads, parking areas and sidewalks cleared for the day and evening classes. There are also numerous walking trails to and from campus, including Student Housing and the Student Recreation Center that the crew maintains.
- View the current Juneau weather forecast from the National Weather Service.
- View current air and weather conditions in Auke Bay.