Desktop Support
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UAS ITS Service Agreement
- Service Area
- Network & Desktop Support
- Service Needed
- Desktop Work Orders
- Department Role
Department employees
- Report problem to the IT Helpdesk, providing:
- a compete description of the problem/change
- an estimation of the impact on the problem/change
- Review the initial work order language (contained in the email response) to verify that the work is accurately described.
- Ensure that the computer owner is available to work with the technician.
- Provide legal copies of any specialized software (if applicable)
- When the work order is closed, review the work history and closure information to confirm that the resolution is accurate.
- Follow campus standards for hardware and software solutions (see following note)
Departmentally Managed Computer Hardware
If a department chooses to purchase hardware outside the approved specifications, IT support will be limited to general advice via the IT Services Helpdesk. In addition, departments will be responsible for obtaining any software media or any other tools.
Under limited circumstances, IT Services may attempt to install the regional software build onto departmentally managed hardware. However, a successful installation will not guarantee support beyond basic Helpdesk service described above.
Any additional components within any system that are not managed by IT (e. g. Fingerprint readers, video cards, specialized hardware, etc.) are not supported as they are untested and may not function with the regional standard build. Those additional components are not supported.
- Report problem to the IT Helpdesk, providing:
- IT Services Role
IT Helpdesk will
- attempt to resolve the situation over the phone and/or by remote controlling the computer;
- escalate to the desktop support technicians by creating a work order.
Desktop Technicians will
- perform an initial assessment of the work;
- provide a temporary replacement computer, if needed;
- document all work in the work order history, including the time spent;
- document the resolution of the work order;
- provide an email copy of the work order when the work order is closed.
- Service Outcome
UAS ITS Assessment Plan
- Service Area
- Network & Desktop Support
- Service Needed
- Desktop Work Orders
- Service Outcome
Departments can expect:
- a stable, reliable and legal desktop computing environment;
- minimal disruption;
- a clear understanding of any work performed and the steps needed to resolve problems or make changes;
- the time to resolve work to be rationally based on the organizational impact and the work complexity.
- Administrative Services Mission Alignment
- Effective and Efficient Practices: Yes ✅
- Fostering Cooperation: Yes ✅
- Compliance: Yes ✅
- IT Services Success Indicators
- For 90% of service failures or minor changes, a technician is dispatched within 30 minutes to assess if the problem can be quickly resolved or a work-around provided (in 30 minutes or less).
- For 90% of issues requiring extensive work, a technician is dispatched within 3 working days.
- Data Collection and Analysis Procedures
- ITS Work Order creation and completion dates are compared on an ongoing basis. Overall success is measured by a quarterly comparison of performance data.
- Copies of work order closures are received automatically by supervisors. Supervisors review work order history and closure entries for professionalism, completeness, and accuracy.
- Utilization of Results
Failure to meet success objective will trigger a remediation strategy depending on the cause of the failure:
- Employee performance: increase oversight, training and accountability measures.
- Resource allocation: evaluate staffing levels and consider temporary or long-term internal reallocation.
- Internal process / workflow: reassess processes and service strategies
- Reporting Strategy
To be determined.