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Mobile Classroom Info

Request Resources

We highly recommended that you submit your request for resources as early as possible.  To schedule a mobile classroom, please send an email to If a response isn't confirmed after one business day, please contact the Helpdesk via phone (796-6400) or email (

To reserve the mobile classroom, please provide the following information:

  • Date of use
  • Class start and end time
  • Room number (delivery to Egan Classroom Wing only)
  • Instructor's name and contact info
  • Course name/number

Delivery and Access

  • The laptops will be delivered to the classroom at the time you request; someone needs to be in the classroom to accept responsibility for the laptops.
  • The laptops will be available for students to pull out and place on their desk.

Pick Up

  • If class adjourns early, please call the Helpdesk at 796-6400 for pick up. Please do not leave the laptops unsupervised.
  • Students should turn off the laptops and place them on the cart.
  • Do not save files on the laptops. Students should save files to their UASHome Docs folder, a cloud storage space, or use a USB flash drive.  Logging off the laptop deletes all files left on the laptop.

Log on/off

  • Generally, it takes less than 5 minutes for a laptop to be moved from the cart, started, logged onto, and have an application running.
  • Logging off will take approximately five minutes because students need to save their work and/or email or print work for instructors.

Laptop Problems

If a problem occurs with a laptop during the class, we need documentation. This includes:

  • Identify the machine with a sticky note (provided).
  • Identify the program and what the user was doing when the problem occurred.
  • Identify battery, if battery life fails.