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Alcohol Emergencies

Heavily intoxicated individuals have a high risk of experiencing at least some symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Students who are aware that another individual who has been consuming alcohol is completely unresponsive should not simply assume that he/she has simply “passed out.” If attempts to rouse the person are unsuccessful, he/she may be in dire need of medical attention. Breathing may slow to dangerously low rates or students may choke on their own vomit if left unattended. Alcohol poisoning is just what it sounds like: the body is literally poisoned by excessive amounts of a toxic substance until the point where organs may begin to shut down or brain damage occurs. Other symptoms of alcohol poisoning is vomiting uncontrollably or vomiting blood, dilated pupils or uneven/unresponsive pupils, or seizures. These symptoms indicate an immediate need for medical care or assessment. Because individuals’ physiology and genetic predispositions vary greatly, one amount of alcohol may be just enough to give one person a “buzz,” while it is enough to put another into grave medical risk.

If you believe someone is experiencing Alcohol Poisoning, contact 911 immediately. After contacting 911, contact the RA On Duty at (907) 209-6539 for the Main Housing Complex or (907) 209-6534 for the John Pugh Residence Hall.

Emergency Medical Care

Though it is natural to attempt to help neighbors and friends when they are in need of professional care, residents are urged to avoid the inclination to move or transport injured, sick, or unstable individuals. Driving someone to the hospital, for instance, may be dangerous as conditions may worsen on the way to the hospital or their behavior might create unsafe driving conditions for others in the vehicle. Police, EMTs, First Responders, Firefighters, and other professional emergency response teams are better equipped to transport individuals in need of treatment. If a student is unsure of whether he/she or a friend may need medical care, the Resident Advisor On-Duty (RAOD) should be contacted and the Administrator-On-Duty (AOD) will be summoned. The AOD is trained to evaluate the general condition of the affected individual and to decide whether professional care should be requested. Residents are expected to keep their distance from professional emergency response teams that come to campus to allow them to respond to a medical emergency. Residents are also asked to respect the privacy of an individual recieving emergency medical care. If you were a witness to a medical emergency and need to share information regarding that emergency, remain on site but distanced until you can meet with a member of the Residence Life professional staff.

If there is a medical emergency happening, call 911 then contact the RA On-Duty at (907)-209-6539 for the Main Housing Complex or (907)-209-6534 for the John Pugh Residence Hall.

Safety and Security Emergencies

Dangers such as physical/sexual assault and domestic violence, threat with a deadly weapon, burglary, fire, and other imminent risks should be reported to the police by dialing 9-1-1 (dial 8+911 on campus phones) before being referred to the RA on duty. Other emergency situations of lesser threats should still be relayed to the Resident Advisor On-Duty (RAOD) such as unruly behavior, trespassers, dangerous conditions in the facilities or on the grounds of housing, etc.