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Native Oratory Showcase

The 22nd Annual Oratory Showcase

UAS is proud to host The 22nd Annual Oratory Showcase, 2024! The theme is Na wil-gga-goashga Hlaa-gyi-gyad dm en da-moatgm. Haa léelkʼu hás tundatáani yei haa gux̱saneix̱,  Our ancestors' mindset will heal us.

Students are invited to share an oratory that speaks to the contributions of an Elder, Leader, Educator, and Healer who has contributed to the advancement of our Alaska Native languages (including dialects from relatives located in other parts of the world), cultural practices, stewarding our environment, air, and water, etc.  

April 12, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

12:45 PM check-in for all participants at Egan Lecture Hall, room 112; available by zoom, open to the public.

Oratory Participants (volunteers and student presenters) will meet in person, in the glacier view room, EG 221. We will share the Zoom link with student orators located outside of Juneau. Student participants will have 5 minutes to share their presentations.

Oratory Supporters will have access to the Oratory Showcase over Zoom (Student Orators will share the link with their supporters)


A speech from memory or limited notes that demonstrates mastery in the art of public speaking using reasoning, elocution, and evidence to support the opinion. Topics may include, but are not limited to: subsistence, sovereignty, urban/rural conflicts, multilingualism, religious freedom, education, or traditional values. Make a strong use of supporting materials, elder’s teachings, cultural lore, published materials (magazines, newspapers, internet, etc.). Sources should be clearly cited during speech and included in notes or in manuscript.

Here are the following categories students can select from to use with their Oratory:

Dramatic Declamation

A recitation of an indigenous speech, or persuasive document. Presentation material may be edited, but should accurately convey the author’s intent.


A recitation of one or more indigenous stories. Each story should be published, recorded, or transcribed with permission from the author, clan, elder, or tribe when appropriate. If you plan on sharing more than one story, include transitions between literary works to show thematic interrelationship(s). Interpretation of 2 or more characters, appropriate costuming, limited props, and dramatic movement may be incorporated.

World Language

A presentation from memory or limited notes in a world language. A significant portion of the speech must be in a world language, leaving time for translation.

Registration for the 22nd Annual Oratory Showcase

25 orators or less may participate. All student orators must be registered for Spring 2024 University of Alaska courses, and in a UAS degree program to be eligible for UAS awards. Once we've received your registration, we'll email you a couple of forms to complete the scholarship process, must complete your Oratory during the event to receive the scholarship. Registration is now open. Students have until April 11, noon or until we reach 25 students' registration (whichever comes first), please share this link with your students

For more information please contact Kolene at