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Find Peer Reviewed Articles

What is an article? What is a "Scholarly" article? What does "Peer Review" mean, and how to do you find the types of articles your instructors require for your coursework? This page should help, and if you have questions, we are just a visit, call, or email away.
Five Helpful Databases
- Academic Search Premier - Full text access to almost 4,700 scholarly publications.
- JSTOR - An archive of entire runs of 19th and 20th century scholarly journals.
- ProQuest - Hundreds of full text and A&I (Abstracts & Indexes) collections.
- Science Direct - Access to over 2,500 science journals and almost 20,000 books online.
- Journal Title Search- If you've found an article but can't find the full text, or are blocked by a paywall, use this search box to see whether you have free, full-text access to it through our UAS library resources.
Articles in a Nutshell
Articles can be written by anyone, in any variety of publications, such as journalists writing for magazines. "Scholarly" or "academic" articles are written by experts trained in a particular field and typically meet quality standards adopted by other experts in that field. These are typically published in academic or professional journals. "Peer reviewed" articles are scholarly or academic articles that have gone through review and input by other experts in their field before final publication.
Follow the link below to see our guide to peer-reviewed articles. And don't forget that you can always reach out to us for one-on-one research help!
Where to find Peer Reviewed Articles
Each Database has its own searching system, tips, tricks, limitations, and quirks. If you learn how to properly use a few of them, it will go a long way towards making your research quicker and more helpful. (No one wants thousands of results to comb through, or to find only one or two articles that don't even address the desired topic!) The quickest, easiest, and most helpful way to learn the ropes? Set up time with one of the library staff. We literally love this part of our job, and spending ten, fifteen, or even thirty minutes with us just once in person or by Zoom, can save you dozens or even hundreds of hours of inefficient and sometimes frustrating searches during the course of your academic life.