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Add and Edit Content

  • Blackboard Ultra

Last modified: June 6, 2024

In Blackboard Learn Ultra the "..." menu on any item allows you to edit and delete content. You can move and drag content by "grabbing" it with the 6 dots to the left of the item. The "+" symbol allows you to add or copy content.

You are viewing instructions for Ultra view in Blackboard (you would have regenerated your course using a tool).

If you are in the default view (you didn't change anything or request a change from CELT), go to: Original course view on editing instead.

Edit, Move, or Delete Content in a Blackboard Course

The "..." context menu on each component allows these options:

  1. Edit (Change Name, Description, Options, Attached files, etc.)
  2. Delete - delete this component
  3. View student progress if you have progress tracking turned on (to turn it on, use the menu for it on the left)

The "..." menu at the very top right of all content also allows you to "batch edit" to delete multiple items, change multiple dates/date management, or edit the visibility of multiple items. 

Image of Deleting individual content items


Adding videos to Blackboard

We recommend putting your videos on a "document" page in Ultra for the best student experience. First, navigate to where you want your page of video(s) then select the plus sign to create a document. From here you have a few options .

a) Use the plus sign in the text editor to search for a Youtube video (this will not work for unlisted videos). 

b) If your video is unlisted, you can either link to it with the link tool, or you can "add html" to add the following snippet to embed a Youtube video: 

<iframe width="420" height="315"


(of course, you'll replace that URL with your own)

c) If you use Microsoft Stream, then from the menu on the right, select Cloud storage and follow the prompts to find your video (you will need to be logged in).