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Brenda A Andrew

Brenda A Andrew (she/her)

Administrative Specialist

Egan Library


Originally from Western Alaska but very recently relocated to picturesque Juneau and instantly knew I made the right choice. This place is beautiful (rain or shine)!

I've dedicated the majority of my career to finance-related roles from both sides of the accounting spectrum, including A/R to A/P and Payroll. I have a sharp analytical mind and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Outside of work, I love exploring nature with my kids, I am a problem-solving enthusiast with a great deal of patience. A few things I enjoy are puzzles, picking berries, playing the piano, cooking and crocheting. I'm a skilled hair braider too so I suppose you can say I love working with my hands.

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8 AM – 5 PM

Brenda A Andrew

Administrative Specialist

Egan Library

Brenda A Andrew