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UAS Egan Library

Inspiration and innovation begin here

Egan Library supports scholarship, research, and creative activities at the University of Alaska Southeast by providing relevant, diverse, and well-maintained collections, by helping individuals evaluate and efficiently use those resources, and by creating a welcoming environment for all.

Library Services

Set of books on a library shelf


Content in support of learning for UAS students and enrichment of our broader community. From ebooks and databases to streaming video and special collections centering Indigenous Knowledge, explore our collections. 

Open UAS

Open Educational Resources

Students can't learn from textbooks they can't afford. Open Educational Resources (OER) are free alternatives to expensive textbooks. Runaway textbook costs on college campuses have become a major impediment to student success.  See what UAS faculty and students are doing to address textbook affordability.   

Borrowing & Access

Details on borrowing materials from Egan Library, partner libraries and accessing library accounts.

Learning Center

Learning Center

The Learning Center provides math and statistics support for student success and is located on the ground floor of the Egan Library.

Writing Center

Writing Center

Make an appointment with a Writing Specialist for help at every stage of the writing process.

text messaging to a librarian over computer for help

Testing Center

Testing services including placement and professional tests offered for UAS and other UA university students, faculty, and residents enrolled with an educational institution who need testing support.

Featured Programs & Services

Indigenous Knowledge Collection

This special collection is named after Ḵaalḵáawu Cyril George, a Tlingit leader from the Deisheetaan Clan of Angoon, and partially funded by a Rasmuson Foundation grant. The Cyril George Collection honors Indigenous voices and Alaska Native Knowledge in a collection of over 3,000 volumes on the main floor of Egan Library.
Cyril George Collection Promo Graphic

One Campus, One Book

This academic year, Pollution is Colonialism by Max Liboiron will serve as an entry point for discussions about challenging and changing science through anticolonial methodologies, good relations and inclusive practices.

"Research and change-making, scientific or otherwise, are always caught up in the contradictions, injustices, and structures that already exist, that we have already identified as violent and in need of change. This text is about moving within this complex and compromised terrain." -Max Liboiron

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Northwest Coast Native Art Collection

The collection features wood carvings, basketry, and Ravenstail weaving by renowned Alaskan artists including Edna Jackson, Steve Brown, Wayne Price, Nathan Jackson, Jennifer Brady Morales, Jan Criswell, Cheryl Samuel, Mary Lou King, Ray Watkins, Harry Calkins and Delores Churchill. The collection was acquired through the Alaska Percent for Art in Public Places program. Collection Guides are available at the entrance of the library for reference in self-guided tours.

Northwest Coast Native Art Feature Graphic
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