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Ronalda Cadiente Brown, M.A.

Ronalda Cadiente Brown, M.A.

Associate Vice Chancellor for Alaska Native Programs and Director of PITAAS


  • M.A. Stanford University
  • B.A. Pacific University


  • Briefly describe what you do: My role as AVC includes a range of activities and special projects that contribute toward the broad goals of supporting diversity and equity. I am part of the Chancellor's Executive Cabinet and serve on a wide range of committees. Someone wisely captured my promotion into this role and the work "Oh, that means you have a lot of extra meetings."
  • Most memorable thing a teacher did with/for you? When I was in high school a social studies teacher unceremoniously threw a textbook in the trash when I answered a question about Native Americans based on the stereotypical text. From that day on he taught history from primary documents and other resources. My work as an adult returning to that district was focused on improving curriculum. Actually, my master's degree is in Curriculum and Teacher Education. I value Mr. Sincic's broad worldview and would share that his surprising response that day had an influence on my career...and still does.

Ronalda Cadiente Brown, M.A.

Associate Vice Chancellor for Alaska Native Programs and Director of PITAAS