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Starting the Application Process

Before beginning the application process, review the Options and Cost webpage and Services and Accommodations webpage.

Please pick the application below that corresponds with the semester you are looking for housing in as well as your application type - Single Student or Family Application. To request assistance with an application, contact us at

After Submitting Your Application

In order to move into Student Housing on move-in day, each of the following items must be completed. Applicants who fail to complete the items below will be denied housing.

Submit Documentation to Or Contact us at:

University of Alaska Residence Life
4300 University Drive
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 796-6443
Fax: (907) 796-6387

Residence Life utilizes the contact and demographic information you have provided to the University as a part of our application process and to contact you. Log in to UAOnline and ensure you have provided accurate:

  • Preferred First Name
  • Mobile Phone
  • Email
  • Gender and Pronouns
  • Mailing Address
  • Emergency Contact Information

To update this information, log in to UAOnline, then select "Personal Information." Then check and update the following pages as needed:

  • Manage Your Address, Email and Phone Information
  • Chosen/Preferred First Name
  • Update Gender/Pronouns
  • Update Emergency Contacts

A $300 housing deposit ($1200 for family application) is required for all new housing applications. You may pay the housing deposit by cash, check, or credit card. We currently cannot accept deposits online.  You may pay via credit card over the phone or you may send a check or money order to us via mail. To pay via cash, visit the Student Accounts and Bursars Office in Novatney Building on the Juneau Campus. 

Submit your immunization record, which may be available from your previous schools or colleges, local health department, your primary health care provider, military immunization record, or your parents.

Residents may be granted an exemption from one or more of the specified immunization requirements based on a documented medical recommendation or for religious reasons in accordance with university regulation. Those persons exempted from immunization or testing for a disease may be removed from student residence facilities should an outbreak of that disease occur or threaten to occur. To request a religious or medical exemption form, contact us.

Immunization Records to Provide:

Measles, Mumps, Rubella

Immunization by:

  1. two doses of live measles virus vaccine, the first dose administered on or after the age of 12 months and the second dose administered more than 30 days after the first dose; or
  2. two doses of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, the first dose administered on or after the age of 12 months and the second dose administered more than 30 days after the first dose; or
  3. documentation of having been diagnosed by a physician as having had measles disease; or
  4. demonstrated serological evidence of measles antibodies.

If not covered by a measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine series, immunization by:

  1. at least one dose of live mumps virus vaccine administered on or after the age of 12 months; or
  2. documentation of having been diagnosed by a physician as having had mumps disease; or
  3. demonstrated serological evidence of mumps antibodies.
  4. at least one dose of live rubella virus vaccine administered on or after the age of 12 months; or
  5. demonstrated serological evidence of rubella antibodies.

Note: MMR not required for females who are pregnant. Documentation of pregnancy is required for an exemption

Diptheria and Tetanus

Any combination of three or more doses of either diphtheria and tetanus (pediatric DT) and/or tetanus and diphtheria (adult Td) vaccine, with:

  1. the most recent dose having been received within 10 years prior to first living in the student residence facility; and
  2. a minimum time interval between the first and second dose of at least four weeks; and
  3. the third or last dose having been received at least six months after the second or previous dose of the basic series.


A negative tuberculin skin test (PPD) within one year preceding registration, unless previously positive. If you have tested positive for tuberculosis, a negative chest x-ray and proof of completed treatment is required.

Meningococcal Disease

Applicants under the age of 21 must show evidence of vaccination against meningococcal disease with the meningococcal ACWY immunization.

Effective May 18, 2005, the State of Alaska requires that all post-secondary educational institutions must provide information about meningitis and meningitis vaccine to all students who intend to reside in campus housing and requires that students sign a form indicating that they have either been vaccinated against meningitis or have received information about meningitis.  See the text of law, including required information about meningitis below:

Sec. 14.48.165 of the Alaska Statutes reads as follows:

Immunization of postsecondary students

A postsecondary educational institution in this state shall provide written notice to each student who intends to reside in campus housing before the student’s initial period of residence that includes the following information:

Meningococcal disease

  • is a serious illness that can cause death within a few hours of onset; one in 10 cases is fatal, and one in seven survivors of the illness is left with severe disability;
  • is a contagious but also largely preventable infection of the spinal cord fluid and the fluid surrounding the brain;
  • Scientific evidence suggests that college students living in campus housing are at a moderately increased risk of contracting meningococcal disease; and
  • Immunization against meningococcal disease decreases the risk of contracting the illness

Housing placement begins in July (Fall Semester), December (Spring Semester), and April (Summer Semester) and is processed on a rolling basis as applications are submitted and completed, including submission of application fee, deposit, and immunizations. Residents will receive a notice that their placement has occurred via email. They can also check their placement at Student Housing Self Service.

Once a resident has received their placement, they should check the "Before You Arrive" page for information about sending mail, move-in locations, what to pack, and more.

Starting approximately one month before Move-In, each of the following forms and agreements will be available in Student Housing Self Service:

  • Move-In Agreement (Required for all residents)
  • Early Move-In Request 
  • Vehicle Registration Form
  • Bicycle Registration Form 
  • Animal Agreement (For students with approved ESA/Service animals)

To learn more about Residence Life Forms, visit the forms page.