Financial Aid, Credit for Experience, and Jobs

Getting credentials and education is more achievable than you might think. The Maritime Training Center has been federally recognized as a school of excellence in conjunction with the Alaska Vocational Technical Center in Seward. One of many aspects that make the MTC a standout is our ability to help people obtain funding for their education and the employability of our graduates. Below are links to our local financial aid resources and a list of maritime industry employers, as well as contact information to see if your prior sea experience can substitute for class credit.
Credit for Certified Experience
UAS students admitted to a degree program may be awarded credit by examination by completing a US Coast Guard approved final exam for the course in which credit is being sought. Mariners may also receive nontraditional credit by submitting a copy of their Merchant Mariner Credential or Training Certificate from a USCG/STCW approved training program. Credits will be graded pass/fail and will not be calculated in the students GPA. UAS does not guarantee transferability to other institutions.
To request credit for experience students should:
- Review the certifications approved for course equivalencies.
- Complete the nontraditional credit request form.
For more information, contact 907-228-4568.
Paying for School
You would be surprised at the resources available to help many of our students progress through out programs with minimum cost to them.
Maritime Industry Employers
Angie Goffredi (she/her)

Career Education Coordinator, Welding and Power Tech Lab Manager
View profile and contact info