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Links & Resources

General UAS Links

The following links are all for the Juneau Campus. Most of these services are also available for students at the Ketchikan and Sitka campuses. Students taking mathematics or statistics courses through Ketchikan or Sitka are encouraged to browse the Ketchikan Campus Homepage or Sitka Campus Homepage, as appropriate, for student support services offered on these campuses.

  • The Juneau Campus Learning Center Homepage contains information on resources available to students. This is a great place to study and work on homework in a group setting. Math majors and students with strong communication skills and abilities in mathematics and statistics are encouraged to obtain part-time tutoring positions at the Learning Center.
  • The Information Technology Helpdesk Homepage contains information on Computer Lab schedules. It is the place to go if you are looking for experts at accessing university IT resources, such as academic technology, email, and network access. The Helpdesk also assists Juneau campus users with desktop and network technical problems by providing initial troubleshooting and coordination with technicians.
  • The Egan Library Student Resources Page has useful information on conducting searches of sources. It also has email addresses of library staff who can help in various ways.

Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Links

  • Each year, for the past several years, the mathematics community has observed April as Math Awareness Month. The Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Website is designed for this very purpose with the goal to increase public understanding of and appreciation for mathematics. This site also has links to math awareness pages from earlier years.
  • The ASA public relations campaign—designed to increase interest in the field of statistics and recruit the next generation of statisticians—launched August 19. The This is Statistics campaign will educate students, parents, teachers, and counselors about the abundant and well-paying career opportunities in statistics. The informational website features videos of “cool” statisticians doing interesting work, career and salary information, sectors that employ statisticians, and an interactive map of select organizations across the world at which statisticians work.

Graduate School

Aside from Peterson's Guides and other such publications, here are some resources specifically for students with an interest in pursuing graduate studies (or research) in the mathematical sciences.

  • Information on opportunities for current undergraduate mathematics majors are available on the AMS website. Click on the Education link to find useful information pertaining to searching for graduate programs in mathematics. Also included are resources on finding summer opportunities available through NSF and REU sponsored programs, internships and jobs,career options/profiles for mathematics majors, etc.
  • Tips on choosing graduate schools in the mathematical sciences can be found on the MAA Students Page.
  • If Data Science is an area that might interest you, check out the Discover Data Science website. This site provides answers to many, if not all, questions you might have about data science. Another potentially useful website is the Master's in Data Science website.
  • Here are a couple of sites from The Data Science Explorer: Guide for Students Looking for a Degree in Data Science and Guide For Cyber Security Education. These sites focus extensively on helping students research higher education and labor trends in the instructional education & learning sectors.

Careers in General

Careers in Teaching

  • Math for America (MfA)is a non-profit organization that invests in teachers of mathematics at the K-12 levels. Information on opportunities available through MfA can be found at
  • The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has an attractive program for individuals interested in pursuing (or switching mid-career to) a career in secondary school teaching in the STEM disciplines. In addition to a range of valuable specialized training, Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows receive a $30,000 stipend in the first year, and salary during a 3-year teaching commitment in qualifying schools (high-need urban and rural secondary schools)
  • Math Teacher Edu was created to give aspiring mathematics teachers the tools they need to prepare for a career dedicated to preparing America’s youth for the global job market of the 21st century. This free and independent resource draws from state Departments of Education to provide step-by-step guides that detail the requirements to become a certified mathematics teacher.

TI - Graphing Calculators

  • The Education Portal of the Texas Instruments Homepage.
  • Finding your way around the TI-83+/84+ Graphing Calculator on This web site is a useful source for help on using your TI-Graphing calculator.


Maple can be accessed on the UAS Network in the Math & Science Folder.

  • The Maple Application Center: Maintained by Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. This site also has a link to the Maplesoft homepage which has information on obtaining downloads of Maple.

Geometer's Sketchpad

Geometer's Sketchpad can be accessed on the UAS Network in the Math & Science Folder.

Scientific Word-processing with LaTeX

Shareware LaTeX and TeX Sources

TeX, LaTeX and other versions of TeX are powerful typesetting systems that are very widely used in scientific word processing, in particular by mathematicians. UAS math majors are encouraged to become familiar with at least one of these shareware products when preparing papers for class projects.

The WinEdt front-end and MiKTeX typesetting system are installed on the UAS network and are available on all computer lab machines, the Learning center machines and some laptops. This program can accessed in the Math & Science Folder.

  • The WinEdt Homepage is the place to go if you wish to obtain a copy of WinEdt, a widely used (shareware) front-end for compilers and typesetting systems, such as TeX or HTML. WinEdt's highlighting schemes can be customized for different modes and its spell checking functionality supports multi-lingual setups, with dictionaries (word-lists) for many languages available for downloading from WinEdt's Community Site.
  • A quick guide to using LaTeX (PDF | 1.7 Mb)
  • You may download AMS-LaTeX from the AMS Author Resource Center, look at the various resources under the section on Author Tools.
  • Other TeX related links can be found by performing a web search using the key words TeX or LaTeX.

A more recent product, the LaTeX version of RStudio, is TeXstudio. This product is open source (free), is available for all major operating systems, and has many useful features. Among the features are interactive grammar and spelling checkers!

Another LaTeX platform, free for individual users, is Overleaf. This online (cloud-based) LaTex editor has everything a new user might need, including extensive help resources, and can be used in much the same manner as Google Docs for purposes of collaborative writing.

Non-shareware Scientific Word Processing Packages:

  • Various levels of scientific word processing software can be obtained from the MacKichan Software Inc. homepage. This site also has some user-help links for the software.


SPSS can be accessed on the UAS Network in the Business Management Folder.


R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and Mac OS.

  • All information that you will need on R, including downloading and user help, is located on the homepage of The R Project for Statistical Computing
  • Tinn-R is an alternative script editor that has the capability of highlighting, formatting and checking R syntax as it is entered. This script editor is free and can be downloaded from the Tinn-R SourceForge site.
  • The R-Commander: A Basic-Statistics GUI for R along with relevant instructions may be downloaded from R Commander Website. This was written for courses equivalent to UAS STAT 273 and is public domain software (i.e., free). This would serve as a great introduction to those interested in developing their skills in using R.
  • R Studio is "is a free and open source integrated development environment for R," and provides another environment in which to work with R. This website contains other R-related packages as well.


Sage is a mathematics software system that provides a viable, free, open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab. All information that you will need on Sage is available at the SageMath website.