UAS IT Helpdesk
The Helpdesk is a regional support center that provides technical support and training for students, faculty, and staff, through our call center and via email.
Please continue to contact the Helpdesk after hours. Callers may leave a voicemail or choose to be redirected to the Statewide Office of Information Technology. We will respond to voicemail on our next business day.
Contact Information
Mailing Address
Regional IT Helpdesk11066 Auke Lake Way
Juneau, AK 99801
Mailstop: HB5
Instructional Videos
A repository of our visual instructions for all kinds of content: Campus Resources, Coursework, Cybersecurity, and more.
Services Dashboard
A dashboard of critical systems at UAS, for current and historical context.
All of the most frequently asked questions, all in one place.
Our Helpdesk weblog and notifications for ongoing issues, outages, and maintenance. For past notifications, view our notifications archive.
Phishing Notification : Beware of Suspect Messages
We had multiple reports of phishing emails related to new mail being blocked. Do not follow the link and mark the message as spam. If you did follow the link, change your password in ELMO at and contact the Helpdesk. Keep an eye out for phishing messages.
Example of phishing message.
Phishing Notification: Beware of Suspect Messages
We had several reports of phishing emails going around, please be careful of the following:
- Emails with attachments or links from users that are outside of the UA system.
- Mandatory UAS account email validation with an external link
These emails may look legit, but check certain details to make sure. Check to see if the email it was sent from is with the UA system, hover over any links to make sure that they go to where it says they go to, and that the text in the body of the email is used with multiple fonts, filled with typos, and that the message would be sent from that individual at all.
But always, when in doubt, forward the email to, we can verify if the email is a phishing attempt or not and let you know if it's safe to click.
Please maintain vigilance!
Phishing Notification: Beware of Suspect Messages
There has been a recent trend of phishing emails that are slightly strange. The most common subjects are:
- Mandatory UAS account email validation, with external link
- Offers of remote or e-work jobs, requesting personal information
While these emails may seem sincere, they're a open threat trying to gather your credentials and personal information! UAS will never ask for your credentials via email, and personal information should always go through the appropriate websites.
Please maintain vigilance. Individual awareness keeps everyone safe.
Service Outage: Sitka Campus Network 8/29/24
Sitka campus has lost all network connectivity (including internet and on campus phone service). GCI is investigating the issue.
Service Outage: Juneau Campus Power 8/28/24
A service interruption with AEL&P resulted in lost power and internet across stretches of the Juneau Auke Bay region. This has caused power loss in some buildings and network infrastructure.
Services are being restored as power comes back online.