Purchasing Documentation
- Costco purchasing information
- Entering a Banner Call Number
- Creating a Banner Requisition
- Account Code Manual
- Guidance on Entertainment-type Expenses
- Guidance on Representational Expenses
- Entertainment Expense Authority
- JV Instructions
Procard and Purchasing Forms
- Short Form Contract-Guest Speaker, Performers, and Miscellaneous Services
- Certification of Need for Restrictive Specification for Research or Classroom Use
- Unauthorized Purchase Ratification Form
- Determination of Honorarium Status
- Purchase Requisition
- Authorized Signature Card
- Independent Contractor Status Determination Form
- Certification of Unavailable Documentation
- Entertainment Expense Approval Form
- UA Electronic Payment Agreement Form
- Procard Waiver Form
- Procard Change Form
- Procard Close Form
ProCard Application Process
ProCards are requested via the UA ProCard Request Form. An email from ua-pcard-reminder@alaska.edu will be sent with login and password information to access the training module. Upon successful completion of the training, applicants are provided access to the ProCard application site link in the CONGRATULATIONS slide at the end of the training to apply for the card. All credit cards are mailed directly to the cardholder department address after completing training. Note, the training module is maintained by Card Integrity and uses WordPress as the platform. The applicant may receive confirmation emails from either entity as part of the process.
As part of the process for obtaining your new credit card, you will receive two (2) emails from JP Morgan Chase. These emails provide information on the PaymentNet website, a user id and temporary password so you can log into the system. They are not spam! If you have not received them prior to physically getting your card, check your spam folder, as they may have been diverted.
You must to log into the system to finish your setup to have access to all your card information, declines & authorizations, etc. Contact Procurement at 907-474-7374 if you have any problems logging in or finding your messages.
NOTE: The temporary password is only good for 5 days. Contact 907-474-7374 or JPMorgan (800-316-6056) to have it reset. Once you have set your permanent password it can be reset on-line through the PaymentNet website.
Procard Documentation
- System Office ProCard Website ***Most Up-to-Date Information***
- Timely Review of ProCard Statements Reminder
- UA Procurement Card Manual
- Unallowable Purchases
- Fraud Protection
- Amazon Business Prime Use Policy