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UAS Portfolio System

Getting Started with the UAS ePortfolio System

Index to all Portfolio documentation

The UAS ePortfolio is an online, web-based collection of digital content. It provides the opportunity to collaborate with others and receive feedback. It allows you to share your work with anyone who has internet access. You will be able to add to and change your portfolio throughout your academic life at UAS. After graduating you can sign up for an Alumni account for continued access to your portfolio and other files.

Structure of a Portfolio

Pages - A place for your content.

In the UAS portfolio system, a page is the basic container for your content. You can add content from the page or change the look and behavior of a page with the "Edit Settings" link in the upper right corner.

Items - Artifacts for review.

Items are the way to present documents, audio/video clips, pictures, or other digital content. To create an item on a page, click the "Add Portfolio Item" link, give it a title, and an abstract (brief description), and then compose the content. An item may include comments by others, a self-reflection, or assessments from your instructor.

Collaboration Tools

See Edit Settings for adding Tools to your pages

Blog - A journal of your thoughts

Blogs (Weblogs) allow you to create an ongoing journal that dates each entry. When a person views your page, they will see the most current entry first. The blog will save an archive of all entries. Also, subscribers can add themselves or be added through the "Edit Settings" link to be notified when a new blog entry is made.

Forum - Discussions with others

An online forum allows you to discuss with people across time and distance. It is an excellent tool for communicating and keeping a record of that communication.

Coursework Portfolios

For each class you are enrolled in you will be able to create a collection of work. Your instructor may have specific requirements for your portfolio, or you may simply want a place to keep your work. Unless you change your settings, your course portfolio will be viewable to anyone who can see the class list for your class, and only your instructor and fellow students will be able to comment on your work. To begin a course portfolio, login to your class in UAS Online and follow the portfolio link in the navigation bar.

Personal Portfolios

You can create portfolios for a variety of reasons not associated with a specific course. These pages can be Published so other UAS users can see them or invitations can be sent to friends outside of UAS. To create a personal portfolio, log in to UAS Online and follow the "View Portfolio" link at the bottom of your profile.