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The University of Alaska southeast has been accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) since 1983. This accreditation includes the Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka campuses.

Institutional accreditation is regularly reviewed and reaffirmed by the NWCCU. This reaffirmation focuses on a process of continuous improvement. Such improvement aligned with standards occurs through regular reports and site visits conducted by peer evaluators. In addition to these reports and visits, the institution also communicates regularly with the NWCCU about substantive program changes including additions, suspensions, and deletions as well as about changes to institutional leaders and organizational structure.

At UAS, the Provost serves as the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) and is the primary point of contact for information regarding accreditation. The provost's office can be contacted at 907-796-6147 or

Year 7 - Mission Fulfillment and Sustainability - Reaffirmation of UAS Accreditation - July 2019.

The University of Alaska Southeast is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Accreditation of an institution of higher education by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional quality evaluated through a peer review process. An accredited college or university is one which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate educational programs, is substantially doing so, and gives reasonable evidence that it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Institutional integrity is also addressed through accreditation.

Accreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities is not partial but applies to the institution as a whole. As such, it is not a guarantee of every course or program offered, or the competence of individual graduates. Rather, it provides reasonable assurance about the quality of opportunities available to students who attend the institution.

Inquiries regarding an institution’s accredited status by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities should be directed to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact:

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

8060 165th Avenue N.E., Suite 100

Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 558-4224

Accreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities refers to the institution as a whole. Therefore, statements like “fully accredited” or “this program is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities” or “this degree is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities” are incorrect and should not be used.

UAS's Current Cycle

Using the results of the 2019 comprehensive review and site visit, UAS is building capacity to fulfill its distinctive mission as a student-centered university that provides instruction in liberal arts, professional, and technical fields. On the homelands of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian peoples, UAS serves the coastal environments, cultures, economies, and communities of Alaska through interdisciplinary education, workforce development, and scholarship, research, and creative activity.

UAS continues to build on the strengths noted by NWCCU in five commendations.  These are:

  • The recognition and inclusion of Alaska Native language, art, history and individuals into its buildings, curriculum, and administration. The involvement of Elders and culture-bearers has created an extremely important connection between the Alaskan Native community and UAS’s goal to be a place of cultural safety and equity.
  • Robust participation in the accreditation process by faculty, staff, and students. 
  • Efforts and commitment to student retention and student success, particularly the efforts and commitment of the Student Success Committee. The creation of the Strategic Enrollment Plan and identification of student barriers of access is enabling a more efficient and operational framework to measure student needs and achievement.
  • Optimizing distance education opportunities across a vast geographical area. Students have access to strong programs of study and student services that support their educational goals. Additionally, students on all UAS campuses are provided with meaningful experiential learning opportunities in a variety of community-based settings.
  • Success at integrating three campus locations into one university with shared vision and values. The level of collaboration and consistent support among the three campuses is remarkable.

The new NWCCU Standards and Eligibility Requirements, with their focus on student learning, student success, and achievement, reinforce UAS’s efforts in these areas.


UAS’s current accreditation cycle includes the following milestones:

  • Spring 2022: Mid-Cycle Evaluation (Year Three, Report and Visit) - Completed
  • Spring 2025: Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR – Year Six, Report and Review) - Due in March 2025.
  • Spring 2026: Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE – Year Seven, Report and Visit)

2019 Report

Our Year Seven Self-Evaluation report is now available online.

A site visit by a team of Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) evaluators occurred April 24-26, 2019.

The NWCCU votes on UAS accreditation status June 19-20, 2019.

Accreditation Reaffirmation - July 2019.

2011 Year One Self Evaluation Report

UAS 2013 Year Three Self Evaluation Report

Below are the table of contents for the 2013 Year Three Self Evaluation Report. Below is a list of bookmarks for navigation within the PDF document above.

Pg #
Institutional Changes Since the Last Report3
Strategic Planning3
Leadership and Reorganization3
Student Success3
Response to Recommendations5
Executive Summary of Eligibility Requirements 2 and 36
Eligibility Requirement 2: Authority6
Eligibility Requirement 3: Mission and Core Themes6
Standard 1.A Mission6
Standard 1.A.16
Core Themes7
Interpretation of Mission Fulfillment8
Standard 1.A.28
Articulation of an Acceptable Threshold, Extent, or Degree of Mission Fulfillment8
Core Themes, Objectives, Outcome, and Indicators9
Core Theme One: Student Success9
Core Theme Two: Teaching and Learning12
Core Theme Three: Community Engagement15
Core Theme Four: Research and Creative Expression16
Core Theme One: Student Success19
Core Theme Two: Teaching and Learning20
Core Theme Three: Community Engagement21
Core Theme Four: Research and Creative Activity22
2.B—Human Resources38
2.C– Human Resources50
2.D– Student Support Resources68
2.E– Library and Information Resources83
2.F– Financial Resources86
2.G– Physical and Technological Infrastructure92
Executive Summary of Eligibility Requirements 4 through 21102
Eligibility Requirement 4 Operational Focus and Independence102
Eligibility Requirement 5 Non-Discrimination102
Eligibility Requirement 6 Institutional Integrity102
Eligibility Requirement 7 Governing Board103
Eligibility Requirement 8 Chief Executive Officer103
Eligibility Requirement 9 Administration104
Eligibility Requirement 10 Faculty104
Eligibility Requirement 11 Educational Program104
Eligibility Requirement 12 General Education And Related Instruction105
Eligibility Requirement 13 Library and Information Resources106
Eligibility Requirement 14 Physical and Technological Infrastructure106
Eligibility Requirement 15 Academic Freedom106
Eligibility Requirement 16 Admissions107
Eligibility Requirement 17 Public Information107
Eligibility Requirement 18 Financial Resources108
Eligibility Requirement 19 Financial Accountability109
Eligibility Requirement 20 Disclosure109
Eligibility Requirement 21 Relationship with the Accreditation Commission109
Mission Fulfillment Foundations110
Organizational Charts123
Basic Institutional Data Form140
UAS Financial Statements146

Helpful Links

UAS Strategic and Assessment Plan 2010-2017
UAS Campus Master Plan
UAS Academic Catalog 2013-14
Faculty Handbooks
Accreditation Reports: Regional and Specialized
UAS Program Review
UA Graduate Study 2012
UAS Student Retention Study 2012
2011 Year One Self Evaluation Report

UAS 2011 Year One Self Evaluation Report

Below are the table of contents for the 2011 Year One Self Evaluation Report. (5.1Mb). There is an extensive list of bookmarks for navigation within the PDF document above. To read the NWCCU's response to the 2011 Self Study Report, click here.


SectionPg #
Institutional Changes Since the Last Report3
Strategic Planning3
Shared Governance4
Response to Recommendations4
Recommendation One: Mission5
Recommendation Two: Communication6
Recommendation Three: Assessment7
Recommendation Four: Budget Processes9
Date of Most Recent Review of Mission and Core Themes10
Section 1: Standard 1.A Mission11
Mission Statement11
Interpretation & Extent of Mission Fulfillment11
Section II: Standard 1.B Core Themes12
Core Theme One: Student Success12
Core Theme Two: Teaching and Learning15
Core Theme Three: Community Engagement18
Core Theme Four: Research and Creative Expression19
2009 Self Study Cover

UAS 2009 Self Study Report

Below are the table of contents for the 2009 Self Study Report. (1.8Mb). There is an extensive list of bookmarks for navigation within the PDF document above.  To read the NWCCU's response to the 2009 Self Study Report, click here.

SectionPg #
Standard One: Institutional Mission and Goals, Planning, and Effectiveness
1.A Mission and Goals 11
1.B Planning and Effectiveness4
Standard Two: Educational Program and its Effectiveness
2.A General Requirements1
2.B Educational Program Planning and Assessment8
2.C Undergraduate Program19
2.D Graduate Programs57
2.E Graduate Faculty and Related Resources62
2.F Graduate Records and Academic Credit65
2.G Continuing Education and Special Learning Activities66
2.H Non Credit Programs and Courses72
Standard Three: Students
3.A Purpose and Organization1
3.B General Responsibilities4
3.C Academic Credit and Records9
3.D Student Services12
Standard Four: Faculty
4.A Faculty Selection, Evaluation, Roles, Welfare, and Development1
4.B Scholarship, Research, and Artistic Creation16
Standard Five: Library and Information Resources
5.A Purpose and Scope1
5.B Information Resources and Services5
5.C Facilities and Access12
5.D Personnel and Management14
5.E Planning and Evaluation18
Standard Six: Governance and Administration
6.A Governance System1
6.B Governing Board3
6.C Leadership and Management6
6.D Faculty Role in Governance11
6.E Student Role in Governance13
Standard Seven: Finance
7.A Financial Planning1
7.B Adequacy of Financial Resources5
7.C Financial Management9
7.D Fundraising and Development12
Standard Eight: Physical Resources
8.A Instructional and Support Facilities1
8.B Equipment and Materials7
8.C Physical Resources Planning8
Standard Nine: Institutional Integrity
9.A Commitment to High Ethical Standards1

UAS Fall Accreditation Advisory Committee Members

Carin D. Silkaitis, M.F.A. (she/her)

Carin D. Silkaitis, M.F.A.

Interim Provost, Dean of Graduate Studies, and Dean of Research & Sponsored Programs

View profile and contact info

Terissia Bell, MHIIM, B.B.A., RHIA, CIC, COC, CPC

Terissia Bell, MHIIM, B.B.A., RHIA, CIC, COC, CPC

Associate Professor and Program Director of HIM

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Kristen Handley, M.S.

Kristen Handley, M.S.

Institutional Effectiveness Director

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Lori A. Klein, M.S. (she/her)

Lori A. Klein, M.S.

Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

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Jon Lasinski, M.B.A.

Jon Lasinski, M.B.A.

Vice Chancellor for Administrative Service

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Nathan C. Leigh

Nathan C. Leigh

Director, Facilities Services

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Mona Mametsuka, B.B.A.

Mona Mametsuka, B.B.A.

Information Systems Manager

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Anita H. Parrish (she/her)

Anita H. Parrish

Faculty & Academic Affairs Coordinator | Assistant to the Provost

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Carlee Simon, Ph.D.

Carlee Simon, Ph.D.

Dean of Education

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Kristy D. Smith, D.M.

Kristy D. Smith, D.M.

Interim Dean of Career Education, MPA Program Coordinator, Associate Professor of Management

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Alison K. Staudinger, Ph.D. (she/her)

Alison K. Staudinger, Ph.D.

Interim Dean of Arts & Sciences

View profile and contact info

Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson

Infrastructure Manager

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Elise Tomlinson, M.P.A., M.L.I.S. (she/her)

Elise Tomlinson, M.P.A., M.L.I.S.

UAS Library Dean, including the Learning, Testing, & Writing Centers, & the Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT)

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William Urquhart, Ph.D. (he/him)

William Urquhart, Ph.D.

Ketchikan Campus Director / Professor of Sociology

View profile and contact info

Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

View profile and contact info

Additional Committee Members

James Yauney
UA Statewide Administration