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Senate Faculty Meeting Agenda

Friday, April 4, 2008 

3:00- 5:00 pm Egan Library 211

Call in # 1-800-893-8850   PIN 3325714

All meeting documents will be projected online through Eluminate web session

(No audio will available through Eluminate -please use dial up audio above. The texting feature in Eluminate will be viable...Your President will also respond to virtual hand-raising "pings" by Eluminate.)

1. Call to Order 3:00
2. Approval of minutes of March meeting   (Attachment 1.1)
3. Chair's report:
-Faculty Alliance
- Advisory group and other Statewide division responses to McTaggert Report
-Statewide Student Intent Survey-Course Registration Through Banner up by Fall 2008}
-2010 Budget Planning
-Faculty Excellence Award Selection underway by 4/16
-Statewide Taskforce on Student Success-Jill   (Attachment 3.1)

2008-2009 Faculty Senate Members
   President - Jill Dumsenil
   President Elect - Election (Jonathan Anderson & ????)
   At-Large Juneau - Election (McMillan (Ed) Pyare (NS)
   At- Large Ketchikan - Priscilla Schulte
   At-Large Sitka - Leslie Gordan
   Business/Public Administration - Rick Wolk
   Career Education - Tony Martin
   Education - Mary Claire Tarlow
   Humanities - Jeremy Kane
   Information Systems - TBA (4/11)
   Library - Caroline Hassler
   Natural Sciences - Matt Heavner
   Social Sciences - David Noon? (TBA 4/11)
Chair Curriculum Committee - TBA (? Date)
Chair Graduate student Committee - TBA (4/4)

5.Old Business
- ACCFT Faculty Handbook language revision  2nd reading Academic Catalogue update by Fordon/Landis (for Schulte)

-Provost Update on MEd-Educational leadership SAC and UAA   (Attachment 5.1)

BLA Program -Walz (Attachment 6.1)

7. Faculty Senate Committee Reports

-Graduate committee Dumesnil
-Curriculum Committee
-Sustainability (survey results?) Pyare/Wolk   (Attachment 7.1)
-Faculty Research - Heavner

4:30 pm
8. Workforce Programs Guest: Fred Villa. UA Statewide Workforce Programs Admin Voc Tech Operations

9. Adjourn </= 5 PM