FRIDAY May 2, 2008
Egan Library 211
Call in # 1-800-893-8850 PIN 3325714
All meeting documents will be projected online through Eluminate web session (link to Faculty Senate Portfolio page
(No audio will available through Eluminate -please use dial up audio above. The texting feature in Eluminate will be viable...Your President will also respond to virtual hand-raising "pings" by Eluminate online texters.)
1. Call to Order 12:00 (NOON)
2. Approval of minutes of April meeting (Attachment 2.1)
3. Chair's report:
-Faculty Alliance
- External Administration Advisory Group-
-Faculty Excellence Award Selection
-Emergency Preparedness-(Earthquakes to Active Shooter Scenarios)-Fall Convocation
-Sustainability Web Page Off of Faculty Senate (Attachment 3.1)
2008-2009 Faculty Senate Members
President - Jill Dumsenil
President Elect - Jonathan Anderson
At-Large Juneau - Chip McMillan
At- Large Ketchikan - Priscilla Schulte
At-Large Sitka - Leslie Gordon
Business/Public Administration - Rick Wolk
Career Education - Tony Martin
Education - Mary Claire Tarlow
Humanities - Jeremy Kane
Information Systems - Patricia DeAngelis
Library - Caroline Hassler
Natural Sciences - Matt Heavner
Social Sciences - David Noon
Standing Committees
Faculty Alliance - Dumesnil, Anderson, Connor 08-09
Chair Curriculum Committee-TBA
Graduate Student - Mark Speece Chair 08-09
Faculty Evaluation - TBA United Academics and ACCFT will appoint
Communications Dumesnil, Anderson 08-09
Academic Info Services - TBA
Advising Learning Center - TBA
Ad Hoc
Research - Heavner
Sustainability - Wolk, McMillan
5. Action Items-
-ACCFT Faculty Handbook language revision 2nd reading Academic Catalog - Schulte (Attachment 5.1a) (Attachment 5.1b)
-BLA Program Changes- 2nd reading Walz
6. NEW Business-
The difficulties of the Double Major at UAS - Blitz (Attachment 6.1)
7. Other Items
8. Adjourn </= 2 PM