Base Folder
The base folder is the top-level folder for assets located in the Home area.
Within the Asset Tree to the left of the Dashboard, all assets are ordered hierarchically and have a parent folder, including folders themselves. The top-level folder is called the base folder because it is the only folder that does not have a parent. Therefore, the base folder is the root folder for all other assets managed within a particular website (see note below) or instance of Cascade Server.
Note - The base folder may also be used to refer to the top folder.
Introduction to the Base Folder
Upon logging in, every user is greeted with a personalized Dashboard showing any messages, current workflows, or assets checked out.
To the left of the Dashboard, is the Asset Tree where all assets in the system can be found and organized. Clicking on a folder will open it in the Asset Tree, revealing the assets or subfolders inside and it will open it in the main viewing area as well. Regardless of the order of other assets, the base folder always remains at the top of the Asset Tree
Moving Assets
All assets in the system will appear 'underneath' the base folder. Because the base folder is the top of the asset hierarchy in Cascade, any movement of assets done within the system, will always be made under the base folder.
Assets may be moved individually or at the folder level.
To move an asset (such as a page or file):
- Select the desired asset and click Edit on the action bar.
- Under the System tab, click the Folder Chooser icon.
- Navigate to the desired folder, and click on the folder name to select the new location.
- Click Submit to close the folder chooser.
- Back in the Editing view, click Submit to close the asset and save the new location.
Reordering Assets Beneath the Base Folder
Asset reordering is a feature that enables you to manually change the order of assets within a folder. This is useful in creating dynamic navigation menus because you can customize the order in which indexed assets appear in the menu. Assets can be reordered in several ways, which are documented below:
To reorder assets within a folder:
- Open a folder.
- Under the Actions column, next to each asset, are a series of icons including double up and single up arrows, as well as down and double down arrows.
- Clicking on one of the single up or down arrows will move the associated asset up or down one place.
- Clicking on one of the double up or down arrows will move the associated asset up to the top of the list or down to the bottom.
- There is no Submit button for this action; assets are moved instantly and can be reordered as desired.
To drag-and-drop assets within a folder:
- Click on the desired folder.
- View the list of assets sorted by folder order by clicking the "Order" column header.
- With the mouse, hover over a row with the asset that needs to be reordered. The mouse pointer will change to resemble up and down arrows joined together.
- Drag the asset and drop it into a desired location.
- There is no Submit button for this action; assets are moved instantly and can be reordered as desired.
- After reordering, in order for the change in asset order to take place on your live site, the affected assets must be republished.
Please note - The left asset tree orders all assets alphabetically for ease of use, and therefore, will not necessarily reflect the manually managed asset order inside a given folder.